Friday, 12 January 2018

Model fit and comparisons for the MACS

Title of publication

Model fit and comparisons for the Measure of Adolescent Coping Strategies (MACS): Fiji, Iceland, and Australia


A two-dimensional theory of adolescent coping with cross-cultural and cross-Human Development Index Categories (HDI) application was tested: the Measure of Adolescent Coping Strategies (MACS). The MACS was answered by 809 adolescents of diverse origins from different parts of Fiji and compared with findings from Australia and Iceland. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results showed the MACS to have a reliable factorial and dimensional structure in Fiji. Differences between girls and boys were similar in Fiji, Australia, and Iceland. Stoicism/distraction was identical for boys and girls in all countries. There were no differences comparing mother tongue (Fijian and Hindi). The two-dimensional theory of adolescent coping was supported.


Sveinbjornsdottir, S., Thorsteinsson, E. B., & Lingam, G. I. (2017). Model fit and comparisons for the Measure of Adolescent Coping Strategies (MACS): Fiji, Iceland, and Australia. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 11. doi:10.1017/prp.2017.20


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   Title of publication Quality of life and fear of cancer recurrence in patients and survivors of non-Hodgkin lymphoma Abstract  Non-Hodgki...